Logibiztech collects personally-identifiable information like your email address and name, address at home or work, or telephone number. Logibiztech also collects anonymous data that is not associated with you, such as your zip code, gender, preferences and interests.
Logibiztech also collects information about your hardware and software. This information could include your IP address. Browser type. Domain names. Access times. Referring to website addresses. Logibiztech uses the information for the operation and maintenance of the service. It also provides general statistics regarding the use of the Logibiztech site.
Logibiztech uses cookies to personalize your online experience. A cookie refers to a text file that is saved on your hard drive by a website server. Cookies cannot be used in any way to execute programs or transmit viruses to your computer. Cookies are unique to you and can only be read by a web server in the domain that issued them.
Cookies are designed to be convenient and save you time. A cookie tells the server that you have returned from a particular page. Logibiztech may use cookies to allow you to personalize Logibiztech pages or register for a Logibiztech service or site. This helps to simplify the recording of your personal data, such as billing addresses, shipping addresses, and so forth. If you visit the same Logibiztech website again, you can retrieve any previously provided information. You can then use the Logibiztech features which you customize.
Cookies are designed to be convenient and save you time. A cookie tells the server that you have returned from a particular page. Logibiztech may use cookies to allow you to personalize Logibiztech pages or register for a Logibiztech service or site. This helps to simplify the recording of your personal data, such as billing addresses, shipping addresses, and so forth. If you visit the same Logibiztech website again, you can retrieve any previously provided information. You can then use the Logibiztech features which you customize.
Logibiztech will update this Statement of privacy from one time to another following customer and company feedback. Logibiztech invites you to review this Statement regularly to learn how Logibiztech handles your personal data.
Logibiztech welcomes all comments on this Statement. If you believe that Logibiztech has not adhered to this Statement, please contact Logibiztech at [email protected]. We will make every commercial effort to quickly resolve the problem.
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The 3DS Server provides a functional interface between the Directory Server (DS) and the 3DS Requestor Environment flows. 3DS Server is responsible for gathering necessary data elements for 3-D Secure messages, authenticating the DS, validating the DS, the 3DS SDK, and the 3DS Requestor, safeguarding the message contents. The 3DS Server also helps to protect the message content while it is being transferred to DS and vice versa.